Sergii Shamanskyi

Doctor of Engineering (ecological safety). Defended thesis on the topic "Scientific and technological principles of improving environmentally friendly wastewater disposal processes". Winner of the competition (grant) with the conditional name "Elephant Hackathon", organized by Public company "Carlsberg Ukraine" and "Elephant Fund - Science Support Fund in Ukraine" with the project "Wastewater treatment with microalgae" (2018). Winner of the Grant of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Development of a technological scheme for wastewater treatment from biogenic elements using aquatic organisms (microalgae)" (2019). Winner of the Grant of National Research Foundation of Ukraine "Experimental and analytical principles of ensuring the safety of man and society by improving waste management technologies in the technosphere" (2020). Author of 2 monographs, 3 tutorials, 10 patents of Ukraine, and over 100 research articles.

+38 099 916 42 79

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2010 - 2021:
Kyiv National Aviation University / Associated Professor of Department of Ecology / Сhief Researcher of Research Department
2008 - 2018: Researched and Design Institute DP “UKRNDPITSYVIL’BUD” Leading Researcher
2018 - 2022: Private limited company “UKRNDITSYVIL’BUD” / Сhief Researcher
2004 - 2008: Vinnytsia national technical university / Associated Professor of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply

Education & Scientific Degrees:
2019 - Doctor of Technical Science, specialization – “Environmental safety”, dissertation – “Scientific and technological principles of improving environmentally friendly wastewater disposal processes”
2019 - Associate Professor of Department of Ecology in Faculty of Environmental Safety, Engineering and Technology of Kyiv National Aviation University
2005 - Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, specialization – “Information and measuring systems”, dissertation – “Optimization of information and measurement systems in water supply networks”
1990 – 1995: Vinnytsia national technical university / Engineering Technology1986 – 1990: Vinnytsia building technical school / Construction of water supply and sewer networks and structures

Main Projects:
⦁ Civil Society Institute supported by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy [2017] participation in the project "Support for capacity building Amalgamated Hromadas ", developing a pilot project on spatial planning for Baranovsky Amalgamated Community.
⦁ Public company "Carlsberg Ukraine" and "Elephant Fund - Science Support Fund in Ukraine" [2018 - 2020] participation in the project "Wastewater treatment with microalgae".
⦁ Project DOBRE (USAID) (custom development of Cooperative Housing Foundation, doing business as Global Communities [2018 – 2021] Pilot project on spatial planning 17 Amalgamated Hromada Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kirovograd, Mykolaiv region.
⦁ Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine [2020 – 2021] participation in the project "Development of a technological scheme for wastewater treatment from biogenic elements using aquatic organisms (microalgae)" (2019).
⦁ National Research Foundation of Ukraine [2020 – 2021] participation in the project "Experimental and analytical principles of ensuring the safety of man and society by improving waste management technologies in the technosphere".
⦁ Project USAID AGRO [2021 – 2022] Pilot implementation requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine on land use planning "in Rohanska territorial community of Kharkiv district Kharkiv region.
⦁ Malodanilivska territorial community [2021 – 2022] Developing the Concept of integrated development of the Malodanilivska territorial community.
⦁ Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training. Rzeshow University of Technology [2018]. Al. Powstańców Warszawy, 12, 35959 Rzeszow (Poland).
⦁ Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching. University of Dunaújváros [2019]. Táncsics M. u. 1/A, H-2400 Dunaúváros (Hungary).

Participation in developing national standards:
⦁ State Standard of Ukraine (ДСТУ Б В.2.2-32:2011) Mobile buildings (inventory). Sanitary and technical systems. General technical conditions. (Будівлі мобільні (інвентарні). Системи санітарно-технічні. Загальні технічні умови). Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (Міністерство регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України), 2013, 24 p.
⦁ State Standard of Ukraine (ДСТУ Б В.2.2-33:2011). Mobile buildings (inventory). Electrical installations. General technical conditions. (Будівлі мобільні (інвентарні). Електроустановки. Загальні технічні умови). Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (Міністерство регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України), 2013, 24 P.
⦁ State Standard of Ukraine (ДСТУ Б Б.1.1-17:2013). Notation conventions of graphic documents of urban planning documentation. (Умовні позначення графічних документів містобудівної документації). Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (Міністерство регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України), 2013, 85 p.
⦁ Building Code (ДБН Б.1.1-16:2013). Composition and content of the urban cadastre. (Склад та зміст містобудівного кадастру). Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (Міністерство регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України), 2013. 57 p.
⦁ Building Code (ДБН Б.1.1-21:2017). Composition and content of the territory planning scheme on which the powers of village, settlement, and city councils are exercised. (Склад та зміст схеми планування території на якій реалізуються повноваження сільських, селищних, міських рад). Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (Міністерство регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України), 2018, 18 p.
⦁ Building Code (ДБН Б.2.2-12:2019). Planning and development of territories (Планування та забудова територій). Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (Міністерство регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України), 2019. 189 с.

Main Publications:
⦁ Shamanskyi, S., & Boichenko, S. (2015). Energy efficient and environmentally friendly technology of stabilizing airline enterprises’ wastewater sludges. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(8(77), 39–45.
⦁ Shamanskyi S., Boichenko S. Construction Arrangement for Cultivating Microalgae for Motor Fuel Production. Systemy i Środki Transportu Samochodnego. Wybrane Zagadnienia. Monografia nr. 7. Seria: Transport. Rzeszów. Politechnika Rzeszowska., 2016. P. 181–188.
⦁ Shamanskyi, S., & Boichenko, S. (2016). Development of environmentally safe technological water disposal scheme of aviation enterprise. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10 (84), 49–57.
⦁ Shamanskyi S., Boichenko S. (2018) Environment-Friendly Technology of Airport’s Sewerage. In: Karakoç T., Colpan C., Şöhret Y. (eds) Advances in Sustainable Aviation. Springer, Cham.
⦁ Shamanskyi S., Boichenko S. Innovative environmentally safe technologies in water drainage. Monograph. Kyiv. Publishing House "Center of Educational Literature", 2018, 320 p.
⦁ S. Shamanskyi and S. Boichenko, "Environmentally Friendly Biogas Production," 2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Energy Smart Systems (ESS), 2019, pp. 243-248,
Pavliukh, L., ⦁ Shamanskyi, S., ⦁ Boichenko, S. and ⦁ Jaworski, A. (2021), "Evaluation of the potential of commercial use of microalgae in the world and in Ukraine", ⦁ Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 93 No. 3, pp. 429-436. .
Nezbrytska, I. M., ⦁ Shamanskyi, S. I., ⦁ Boichenko, S. V., ⦁ Kharchenko, G. V. (2021). Some problems of the use of microalgae for nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater (a review). Hydrobiological Journal, 57(2), 62–78.
⦁ Shamanskyi S., Boichenko S., Pavliukh L. (2021) Estimated Efficiency of Biogenic Elements Removal from Waste Water in the Ideal Displacement Photobioreactor. In: Zaporozhets A., Artemchuk V. (eds) Systems, Decision, and Control in Energy II. Studies in Systems, Decision, and Control, vol 346. Springer, Cham. – pp. 347-361.
Pavliukh⦁ , L., ⦁ Shamanskyi, S., ⦁ Odarchenko⦁ , R., ⦁ Zheleznyak, O., ⦁ Tereshchenko, A. (2021) Information and mathematical model of wastewater treatment processes. ⦁ CEUR Workshop ⦁ Proceedingsthis, 3021, pp. 189–196.
⦁ Shamanskyi S., Boichenko S., Khrutba V., Barabash O., Shkilniuk I., Yakovlieva A., Topilnyckyi P., Pavliukh L. (2021) Improving the photobioreactor operation efficiency in the technological scheme of wastewater treatment. ⦁ Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10-114), pp. 6–15. ⦁ .
⦁ Nezbrytska, I., Shamanskyi, S., Pavliukh, L., Kharchenko, G. (2022) Assessment of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds removal efficiency from different types of wastewater using microalgae cultures. ⦁ Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studiesthis, 51(1), pp. 45–52.

Honours and Awards:
⦁ State Administration in Vinnytsja Region. Нonorary Diploma [1999]
⦁ Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine. Нonorary Diploma [2014]
⦁ State Administration in Kyiv Region. Нonorary Diploma [2015]